University campuses across Canada reject RBC

Last week, 11 campuses across Canada held actions at RBC on-campus branches, demanding they stop destroying our climate and violating Indigenous rights.
The actions were covered widely in over 30 media stories, including CP24, Global News Toronto, CBC Calgary and Thunder Bay, and CTV News Toronto and Windsor.
Check out some of the action as it unfolded on twitter and instagram.
8⃣ words to keep in mind whenever you see the @RBC brand:
“RBC uses youth-facing initiatives to fund climate chaos”
This 2m34s video is the perfect primer on RBC’s systematic destruction of the world we all live in
Thank you Kelowna FFF!#RBCoffCampus
— quit.RBC (@QuitRbc) March 3, 2023
Last, peaceful protestors remain anyway…outside…and @RBC‘s brand looks worse & worse as more & more people see that #RBC is at the very centre of Indigenous rights violations and the climate crisis.
You’re not as smart as you think you are, #RBC.#RBCoffCampus
— Banking on a Better Future (@bank4future) March 2, 2023
Gee @RBC, isn’t all this bad coverage problematic for you?
Students see through your greenwashing. Indigenous leaders make you look bad. The AGM is coming up & shareholders are v concerned. The UN thinks you’re dangerous.
Not great, eh?#RBCoffCampus
— quit.RBC (@QuitRbc) March 3, 2023
Yesterday 150+ @UofT students skipped class and joined us in demanding that @UofT stop its greenwashing bullshit and cut ties with Big Oil and Fossil Banks 🧵#FossilFreeUofT #RBCOffCampus #FossilFreeResearch@bank4future @FosFreeResearch
— Climate Justice UofT (@cjuoft) March 4, 2023
There are peaceful demos, like this one at York U, happening at campuses across the country today!#RBCoffCampus
— Banking on a Better Future (@bank4future) March 2, 2023
Here’s a better shot:#RBCoffCampus
— Banking on a Better Future (@bank4future) March 2, 2023
#RBCOffCampus protests are in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en land defenders resisting the Coastal GasLink Pipeline — primarily funded by @RBC 🤢
Students are demanding their schools cut ties with Canada’s largest bank NOW & kick them off campus until they divest.
— Banking on a Better Future (@bank4future) March 2, 2023