Police, town erase student’s RBC peaceful protest with great urgency

Originally reported by NewsNow.
Grassroots student activist Sophie Krouse was surprised to see the Niagara Regional Police show up at an RBC branch in small town Grimsby, Ontario on Earth day, only about 30 minutes after she started holding up a sign, putting up posters, and writing removable chalk messages on the sidewalk in front of their branch.
The police told her her sidewalk chalk messages were vandalism and that she could face charges. Just a few minutes later, the city showed up with a sidewalk sweeper to clean off the messages.
Sophie did her research and indeed, holding a sign and using chalk is entirely legal.
We guess RBC really, really doesn’t want anyone to know they’ve invested over $200B in fossil fuels since the Paris climate agreement was signed.
Apparently, next week Sophie is going to show up “with a bigger sign”. Good for you Sophie!