Peaceful prayer sit-in at RBC

While Canada (and the world) suffers killer heatwaves and out of control wildfires, more and more of us are taking the message of action to Canada’s biggest investor in climate doom: RBC Bank.
The fact that more and more climate concerned Canadians are waking up to the connections between their banks and the climate crisis was covered well in this article by LeadNow Campaigner Cherry Tsoi in the National Observer.
In BC today a group of citizens held a peaceful prayer inside an RBC branch. The message was to stop RBC from backing the TransMountain tar sands pipeline, but also to get out of fossil fuels.
Peaceful prayer protest happening now @RBC against their funding of the fossil fuel industry including TMX. #stopTMX@QuitRbc @RbcRevealed @DivestCanada @macdivest @DivestHarvard @DivestStanford
— PPSTMX (@PPSTMX1) July 17, 2021